So... What's Up?

That's... a question. One that I've been struggling to answer authentically. My mind feels clearer than it has for a while, but it's not something new.

Every year I slowly fall into a dissociative state where things don't really feel entirely real. Not that I'm consciously aware of it, but I'll have a few moments throughout the year where I feel like I've woken up from a very long dream.

I went through probably the most obsessive spurt I've gone through in a while. Whatever it is, it's like my attention can only ever be on this one thing. Nothing else matters. But once I moved away from that, it's like I've opened my eyes to this world I suddenly find myself in at 23 years old.

I am overweight, out of shape, and unhealthy. I live with no passion or drive, I go day by day just floating. The reality I find myself in is not one that I particularly like. However, this has been the case since 2020. Nothing has changed, I just keep having these moments of revelation where I see where I am... and I don't like it.

So, I'm doing it again. I'm trying to change it. I'm trying to control it and fix it. I keep attempting this climb over and over and over and over and what has it done? Aside from me continually falling back down even further than the last time. The impact hurting even more, but that's because each time I've climb a little closer to the top.

That bit of hope, the bit of me seeing myself get closer and closer to the life I want, it makes me want to keep trying. I don't really know what it is, maybe stupidity, maybe insanity, maybe a bit of it all, but I want to live. I want to try. I want to love myself and take care of the body I was given and help it carry me through my life the best it can.

So, I guess that's what I'll do. I'll keep trying. I'll keep being cheesy and weird and I will love myself all the while. There is no life I would rather live than mine. I may hate myself sometimes, I may wish I were anyone else, but I do love the life I live, regarless of how much it hurts me sometimes.

But no one really cares all that much. I'll do it with my mouth shut and eyes to the ground like I do everything else. Maybe some day I will value myself enough to not stand the treatment, but all I want right now is to make myself better and live better.

This all may be a manic episode, this all may be temporary, but I'm grateful for the time I get with this.

My crazy ass signing off~