Who is?

Well that's a good question...

Hi! My name is < kat\kdove\whatever >, and I'm currently a student studying for a B.S. in Cybersecurity!

But that's kinda cheesy... and not really who I want to be here. I want to be myself. That's why I've made this place.

I've always had the want to build a website like this. Something I understood, something that was completely mine... and really felt like mine.

And it feels like I finally have! This place I built from the ground up. It's all mine, hand sewn bit by bit, or patchworked more like it, but mine all the same.
I mean, that's the nature of these places. We build bits and pieces of ourselves from each other's creations. And I feel whole now that this longing to build this thing is finally satiated. But now the problem is it's all I want to work on ;-;

Anyway, enough being cheesy. I would love it if you would write in my guestbook and tell me about yourself! Tell me why you're here and what brought you to love indie websites such as these. Thank you for taking the time to read this :)

(P.S. please share buttons and blinkies with me I beg of you I want to collect so many ;-;)