what is this blog?

this is a place for me to experiment with web dev, write my blog, and generally just mess around online.

i don't entirely know what i'm doing yet, at the moment this place is a wip... but let me know what you think! My guestbook should be somewhere, and I've got a little chat going too :)

also there are some cool sites that inspired me or that I follow linked on the bottom left if you wanna visit some cool places :3


9/17/24 @ 3:00pm

> Created new blog post
> Fixed previous update date and time

9/11/24 @ i forgor

> Removed old blog posts section
> Added status cafe to my status section
> Fixed the mini blog and how it displays
> Tried dealing with responsiveness a tiny bit

9/7/24 @ 11:14pm

> Trying to make follow button

9/7/24 @ 10pm

> Added all the people I follow to the cools sites section

9/7/24 @ 8:50pm

> Fixed crt cause I double overlayed it -.- I also am trying to figure out an rss situation but that's it as of now. I'm going to start working on a cool sites/credits section here in a bit

9/7/24 @ 2:00pm

> I added buttons and cleaned up the button section. I also did my best to fix the items flowing over the container. Also yesterday added miniblog section.

9/6/24 @ 11:40pm

> I fixed the chatbox to be dark and changed my guestbook over to atabook. I want to still use the comments widget, but I want to patch it first. But I've really gotta take a break I've only been doing this the past three days. Might partly be cause I'm feeling a bit bleh and this makes me feel happy. But school work calls... The question is do I really want to answer? lol ;-;

9/6/24 @ 1:51pm

> updated a lot of stuff on the site. Basically looks all new, but generally the layout is the same. Also added the about section! Plus glowy links :3

9/5/24 @ 8:08pm

> I, in fact, have not taken a break...

9/5/24 @ 6:18pm

> okay i added all the things now imma take a break (probably)


> i've added some... spice :3

9/4/24 @ 11:24pm

> i am way too tired to make more so imma slep but keep track of todo


> actually making first update!

sign my guestbook?



my first button

(I made it myself in paint :3)

kdove's home

Button Collection

These are some buttons I relate to

forever online best viewed with eyes i was there when petscop ended I miss using picochat (author unknown) playstation logo